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Get ready to move into your new home.

As you enter the final stretch to owning your new home, here’s an overview of what you can expect during closing. Our team will ensure it’s a smooth and easy process.

What is Closing and What Does it Involve?

Closing, also known as settlement or escrow, refers to the process where the parties involved in a real estate purchase exchange property, money, title and liens.

An escrow officer typically reviews the sales agreement to determine payments and credits due from both sides, and to ensure any other transaction costs including title and taxes are paid

Closing Costs

A variety of factors determine how much you may have to pay at closing. A buyer’s closing costs may include, but are not limited to:

—Recording Fees (to the County)
—Lender Title Insurance Fees
—Loan Fees
—Escrow/Settlement Charges
—Property Taxes

Contact your real estate agent or your escrow officer with any questions. We are here to help you through every step and will keep you updated on the process as closing approaches.

Signing and Paperwork

As the buyer, you’ll be signing a number of documents to formally transfer the property from the seller to yourself. Our escrow officer will guide you through the signing of the paperwork and explain each document. Your closing costs will be listed on the closing disclosure. Feel free to take your time to review all of the paperwork. If you have any questions, you can reach out to your real estate agent, your lender, or your attorney.

Handing Over the Keys

After signing the required paperwork, there will be a few more steps to ensure everything is in order. After both buyer and seller have signed all the required documents, we’ve received the required funds to close, and all other conditions have been met, the escrow team will perform the required steps to close the transaction. A new deed from the seller is recorded at the county courthouse, which completes the transfer of ownership to you, the buyer. Any funds held in escrow are disbursed by escrow in accordance with the buyer’s and seller’s signed instructions. At this point, you can receive the keys to your new property.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to be treated with the care and respect you deserve, while we deliver exceptional results with your best interests at heart?

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